Tuesday 9 February 2010

Stalkers And Pro-Ana

I was supposed to go on a diet today. Well, a fast. Didn't work. I'll start tonight and continue into tomorrow. I think Katie and Carla are stalking me. Her mother's friends, Andrew and Scotty were watching Darren and I as we walked up from the town square. They weren't making a move, just sitting in the car watching us. They've started going to all the Science revision classes, and always seem to be where I am. Thing is, I can't tell anyone, they'll say it's all in my head. I'll be labelled as 'Mentally Unstable' and sectioned.

I need to lose weight before Devon. At least a stone by the end of May. Can I do it?
my BMI right now is 21.5. At 5 foot 3 and 57 kilos, that's atrocious! I'm just under 9 stone, so I hope to be just under 8 by the time I finish. My ultimate goal is 6 stone, but I must make small goals to begin with. I am going to do this, unlike the last times. 100 pounds is my ultimate goal for now, if I reach that, even lower!

The social workers are closing soon. That's good, but Dr Bloody Namani isn't! I hate him so much. Last week, we waited halk an hour, for him to ask us in, ask how I was (I lied and said I was fine), and send me away again! I miseed three lessons, half the morning. I'm not going again, he can go screw himself up the arse with a spoon for all I care!

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