Saturday 27 February 2010

How the working class live...

I don't understand why everyone my age looks so shocked when I say I work. I suppose they see Saturday as an extension of Friday; a chance to nurse a hangover, then go out and get rat faced all over again, prostituting themselves to any random bloke they meet. And they look at me strangely.

Working gives me a bit of freedom, and independence. I have money, I can go out should I choose. I don't need to beg my parents for cash. Yes, there are times I'm bored witless, wishing I could go out like the rest of them, but most of the time, I actually enjoy it. I talk to people from the community, most of them elderly, who like a friendly face and a chat, help customers find what they need. It gives me a real sense of job satisfaction.

My 'rents are driving me nutty. One minute their fine, but the next? All I wanted was chips with my curry, and they act like I've just pulled out a handgun!
"No, 'cause then you'll be starving yourself all next week, thinking you're fat!"

Anyhow, I'm going to watch Supernatural all night tonight, until tomorrow morning. Should be good!

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