Thursday 25 February 2010


Another lovely rumour. Apparently now I'm pregnant. From Darren's sister Sophia? I've heard of Immaculate Conception, but that takes the biscuit!

I am so tired. I swear I must have lost I.Q. points from all the revising I've been doing...

I almost slapped Nathaniel again today. Smug little jumped up git. And yet I still want him to like me? I find myself trying to please him for some strange reason? I'm not sure why. It's sort of like a personal conquest or something. That's twice he has helped to spread round rumours about me being a lesbian. Bitch.

On a slightlier happier note, I managed:
a) Not to kill anyone,
b) Not to kill myself,
c) Not to storm out of class,
d) Not to cry,
e) To see one of my mates, another Nathaniel.

Still, getting better. Well, it isn't, and I'm not, but pretending I'm okay, actually almost convinces myself that I am. Strange. Still, I've been acting for so long, it comes naturally.

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