Thursday 11 February 2010


My mother caught me out yesterday. She had a right go at me, so I had to eat when I got in today.
  • Three packets of crisps
  • Three cornflake cake things
  • Three slices of toast
  • A yoghurt
And a plate of Korma.
Uurgh. Oh, and some girl just called me ugly, who hasn't seen me since Year Six, just called me ugly? WTF?! She just randomly started abusing me! Called me ugle, skank, troll, trollop. I don't understand it!

My friend on here read my blogs. Oh well. I thought he would tell someone, but he hasn't so far, and I think I trust him. He wants me to speak to him, so I think I'll explain to him all that has been going on.

He really is lovely :) Not that I have feelings for him or anything, but he is lovely. :)

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