Wednesday 17 February 2010

A Lazy Wednesdayy...

haven't gotten dressed, haven't any make up on, haven't even brushed my hair, and it's what, 4 minutes past 2? Still, I've just finished all the cleaning for my mother. I would feel sorry for any poor bugger that has to clean toilets for a living. I now know how they feel...

Angus, the Doberman puppy we have, has attempted to bite me twice in the last few days... I haven't done anything to him, but then he turns on me. He went for my nose last time, my ear this morning. Ripped out a chunk of my hair, the bugger! So my mother has decided to get rid of him. He's too much with the kids and all, so bye bye Angus. I will miss him, but it's for the best, after all, he's been after all of us so far, except the baby, Chloe.

HELP!! I am OFFICIALLY hooked on Supernatural. I can't help it. The actors are simply divine, the subject matter keeps me involved on a personal level (Me being a Wiccan and all). Yum!

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