Saturday 24 April 2010

Quiet, Please.

In the wings, ready for the performance of my lifetime. I might not be the best actress, but I'll do. Nobody will watch too closely. And when the time comes for me to reveal my true self.


I am cold, I am cruel, I am wicked
Few who meet me ever like me
When I go out into public, I put on a mask
A mask of gentle caring
My voice shows concern, my face, a smile
My eyes look bright and happy
But when I return home
My mask comes off to reveal my true self
The uncaring world deserves my true self
But I give it a mask of smiles
I am an actress, and you are my audience
You rarely see me out of costume
For I have a show to put on for you
And the audience
demands to see
the character
And not the person.

Who says I can't write poetry?

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