Thursday, 22 April 2010

Omigod I Feel Faint.


I've had two dreams about one of the boys from cadets, which is really strange. It usually turns out that my dreams have some sort of prophetic or premonition like qualities. Strange. I'm really struggling to figure out what this one means. But what I do know, is that it is linking me to the girls, Cadets O'Ryann, McArthur, and Catrina, who doesn't belong to the cadets. Strange Stuff.

Cadets tonight. We're doing sports, which is terrible, because we're doing sports, and I'm feeling faint a lot. I'm not hungry, but I'll drink a lot of water before tonight. I can't faint, because they aren't insured for me yet, and have to call an ambulance straight away. Haahaa. Oh dear. I don't want to faint, but I know it's going to happen. Or I'll end up having an asthma attack. Joy.

I had a Welsh Oral Exam today. My teacher says I managed to scrape a C grade. No way. :P

Bleurgh. Argh. Uurgh. Erlack.

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