Saturday 11 December 2010

I Find It Kinda Funny, I Find It Kinda Sad...

My dad used to say it was me and him against THEM. I once thought he was being a little extreme. He's not.

In pleasant spirits, on my way home from a day out with the girls, and Macy, I decided to drop in on my grandparents, to get my dresses, as I need to think about what I'm taking down to Cymru.

Well, I was very nice, complimenting my grandmother on her new skirt. Asking how they were, being cheerful and civil. She started on me, saying I'd accused her of what happened.

Said she's take me to court. My grandad started on me then.

They accused me of lieing, of making it all up. Why would I lie about something like that?
They threw out my black dress. The one I wore when Francis came up. My favourite dress.

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