Tuesday 30 November 2010

So Sharon (My biological mother) wants nothing to do with me. She wants me to be nothing to do with the rest of my family either.

My five years old brother, who turns six on the 15th, looks up to me as his own mother. Now, I have 5 siblings down there. On the 22nd, they move to England. Explain to me HOW THE FUCK THIS IS FAIR…

If I went down, I’d not speak to her. I’d want to take the kids out, and I think that’s my right as their fucking sister!

My dad’s doing his nut, trying to look for coaches down to Cardiff, in an attempt to salvage my Yule…

I really do not care any more.

Wtf is the point of looking on the bright side, WHEN THERE ISN’T FUCKING ONE???

Apologies for the extended use of expletives as a vent. I am honestly too fucked off to type legibly... :@:@:@:@:@:@:@:@

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