Monday 22 November 2010

I swear to God, *mother* if you keep reading this, I will hunt you down and kill you...
No, not really. But I may have to do something. Since you don't want me in your life, I'd prefer it if you kept out of mine.
You forget, you're the own who disowned me countless times, kicked me out once, kicked me out twice, not just out of the house, no, BUT OUT OF THE FRANKING COUNTRY.

Well, that other little rant over, I've been so crappy today...
Have drunk one string coffee, and three caffeine filled energy drinks. I THINK I MAY HAVE TO EXIST OFF THESE FOR THE NEXT FEW WEEKS.

Two English reading exams, which were so easy I couldn't do them, I swear there was some hidden agenda. There is no way it was that easy...

English writing was quite fun...

Then I had History. I got really frustrated because I wasn't sure how to do it. It's not like any other exam, where you have to answer all the questions, you have to pick one essay and three sets of questions, but you have to pick specific questions.

I'm starting to crash again... I need caffeine...

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