Sunday 3 October 2010

Random Musing

How can you help someone that doesn't want to be helped? Or maybe they do want to be helped, but they are scared to open up. What if they feel emotionally dead? can they be turned from rock back into flesh? And what if by helping them, or trying to help, you get hurt along with them? What to you do? Do you try and force it, or do you just let them know you're there for them?

I'm the type of girl who can be so hurt but still look at you and smile. The type of girl who is willing to brighten your day even if I can't brighten my own.

Why do the simplest things depress me so much? Like having to have my photos done. i really don't want them done, it's got my whole ana thing going. Oh dear.

Why does it bother me so much? It's a fucking photo.

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