Thursday 4 March 2010

Marina And Uncle Angus

I found out last night, thanks to the local paper, that a lovely old lady that I used to go to church with, died last month. Marina was the sweetest, kindest woman you could ever meet. I remember her trying to give my brother, sister and I money for singing Away In A Manger when I was at church at Christmas 2008. Nobody'd told me, I didn't know. I can't believe she's gone.

My Gran, don't get me wrong, is terrific, and I love her to bits, but she forgets the most important things to tell youu. For example, she told me that my Great Uncle Angus (Her younger brother) was going into hospital for an operation. The surgeons cut out his tongue, but she didn't know what for. So I presumed it was mouth cancer. As far as I know, he was ill, but not life threateningly ill. So I phoned yesterday, and she told me he probably wouln't last the night, and she thought I had been the nurse to phone and tell her he had died. That's all I found out.

So I phoned my Uncle John and Auntie Maureen. Uncle John is another of my Gran's younger brother's, and also Angus' brother. Maureen is his wife. I thought it best to ask Maureen, since Uncle John might be upset. She told me he had had cancer, but they cut it out (You see, I was right), but it had spread all over his body, and his liver. They've put him on morphine, and he's not going to last very long. A few days at most.

Oh God. Oh, and I screwed up in my exams BIG TIME. But what is that when my family is dying?

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